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Saturday, September 6, 2008

New steps

We'll see who finds this blog before I officially announce it....our life seems as if we've gone in to a wonderful and blissful fast-forward. I'M PREGNANT! I really can't believe that in only 8 months or so we'll have a baby in our arms. It is absolutely crazy! We took a home test and a blood test at the doctor on Wednesday and Thursday morning I got the phone call. It was like I could breath again when the nurse said "You are pregnant". It almost feels like I'm in a dream and can't wake up...but I don't really want to. So far no big sickness or discomfort. I'm a little tired and a constant customer of the restroom. Oh and I feel like I can smell EVERYTHING. But nothing bad so far...hope it stays that way! If you find this before my announcement call me!

1 comment:

Lacy said...

I already knew Haha!!! Just becuase you told me!!!!! Congrats again!!! Hope you had fun talling your family!