Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, November 15, 2008

heartbeat and belly pics!

o we had our OB appointment on Thursday, and we heard that most amazing little sound...our baby's heartbeat! it was so fast and the doctor said that it was very strong. He also reported that everything seems to be going great and healthy! yay! Oh, and I haven't gained any weight in the last month either, so that was good news. Our next appointment is December 19 and we will be having a ultrasound/sonogram (I never know which to call it) in order to try and determine boy or girl...get excited!!!

I had a great pre-natal massage today at the boardwalk spa, and hopefully it will be the first of many during my pregnancy because it really helped me relax. Now on to an afternoon of being lazy!

more belly pics, weeks 11-15



Anonymous said...

How exciting!!! You look GREAT!!! I say you are having a boy...not sure why I think that but I do!!!

Lacy said...

I think you look so good too and happy!

Holly Reid said...

two very sweet ladies!